Manufacturing and Productivity
Improvement Programs

  • Lean Transformation
    • Individual Lean Management Tools
      • 5S, 8 Wastes, OEE, Kaizen and many others
    • Lean Management tools and Implementation
      • A practical approach to improvement based on TPS
    • Project employing Lean Tools – Consultation
  • Six Sigma
    • DMAIC
    • Statistical Process Control (SPC)
      • Understanding and making sense of SPC
      • Charts – understanding and application
      • Analysis – link to manufacturing
    • Individual Six Sigma Tools
      • Value Stream Mapping (VSM) and Waste
      • FMEA
      • DOE
      • Other SS topics

 Lean Six Sigma Program

  • A combination of both Lean and Six Sigma principles
    • In-depth learning of LSS tools
    • Improvement projects and reporting

OETC Programmes